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CogniFit에 오신걸 환영합니다! 연구원을 위한 CogniFit에 오신 것을 환영합니다! CogniFit Healthcare CogniFit 으로 비즈니스를 성장시키세요! CogniFit Employee Wellbeing

모바일이 없다면 여기에서 가입하세요

환자 관리 계정을 만들 예정입니다. 이 계정은 의료 전문가(의사, 심리학자...)의 진단 및 인지 자극을 돕기 위해 고안되었습니다.

연구 계정을 만들 것입니다. 이 계정은 연구원들이 인지 영역에서 연구할 수 있도록 특별히 고안되었습니다.

학생 관리 계정을 만들 것입니다. 이 계정은 어린이와 어린 학생들의 인지 장애를 진단하고 개입하는 데 도움을 주기 위해 만들어졌습니다.

가족 계정을 만들 것입니다. 이 계정은 가족 구성원이 CogniFit 평가 및 교육에 액세스할 수 있도록 설계되었습니다.

회사 관리 계정을 만들 예정입니다. 이 계정은 직원들이 CogniFit 평가 및 교육에 액세스할 수 있도록 설계되었습니다.

개인 계정을 만들 예정입니다. 이 유형의 계정은 인지 능력을 테스트하고 훈련하는 데 도움이 되도록 설계되었습니다.

환자 관리 계정을 만들 예정입니다. 이 계정은 의료 전문가(의사, 심리학자...)의 진단 및 인지 자극을 돕기 위해 고안되었습니다.

가족 계정을 만들 것입니다. 이 계정은 가족 구성원이 CogniFit 평가 및 교육에 액세스할 수 있도록 설계되었습니다.

연구 계정을 만들 것입니다. 이 계정은 연구원들이 인지 영역에서 연구할 수 있도록 특별히 고안되었습니다.

학생 관리 계정을 만들 것입니다. 이 계정은 어린이와 어린 학생들의 인지 장애를 진단하고 개입하는 데 도움을 주기 위해 만들어졌습니다.

회사 관리 계정을 만들 예정입니다. 이 계정은 직원들이 CogniFit 평가 및 교육에 액세스할 수 있도록 설계되었습니다.

개발자 계정을 만들 예정입니다. 이 계정은 귀하의 회사 내에서 CogniFit의 제품을 통합하도록 설계되었습니다.


본인 사용 (만 16세 부터). 16세 미만의 아동은 가족을 위한 CogniFit을 사용할 수 있습니다.

CogniFit을 이용하고 회원 가입을 하는 것은 CogniFit의 이용 약관개인정보처리방침을 숙지하였고 동의한 것으로 간주합니다.

이동 중에도 최고의 편리함과 액세스를 위해 모바일 앱을 통해 등록하려면 휴대폰으로 아래 QR을 스캔하세요!

귀하의 경험을 향상 시키십시오!

모바일이 없다면 여기에서 가입하세요

이 장치에서 더 편리하게 사용하시고 싶으시다면 우리의 애플리케이션을 다운 받으세요.

모바일이 없다면 여기에서 가입하세요

Cognitive training for people with epilepsy

2백만명이 넘는 전 세계의 사용자가 CogniFit의 훈련 도구를 사용합니다

Cognitive training for people with epilepsy

훈련을 통해 필수 인지 능력을 최적의 상태로 강화시켜 보세요. 결과와 진행 상황 및 발전 내용에 대한 완전한 보고서

누구를 위한 것인가요?

이 제품은 판매용이 아닙니다. 이 제품은 연구 목적으로만 사용됩니다. 자세한 내용은 CogniFit 연구 플랫폼을 참조하십시오.

다중 장치

Cognitive training for people with epilepsy

만 16살 미만의 사용자는 가족 계정을 사용해야 합니다


가족 인원수

만 16살 미만의 사용자는 가족 계정을 사용해야 합니다

가족 인원수
훈련 개월

원하는 환자의 수와 훈련 개월 수를 입력하세요. 환자가 등록을 마치면 바로 구독 기간이 시작됨을 기억하세요. 필요한 경우 다른 환자로 대체할 수 있습니다.

원하는 가족 구성원의 수와 훈련 개월 수를 입력하세요. 등록을 마치자마자 구독 기간이 시작됨을 기억하세요. 필요한 경우 다른 가족 구성원으로 대체할 수 있습니다.

원하는 학생의 수와 훈련 개월 수를 입력하세요. 등록을 마치자마자 구독 기간이 시작됨을 기억하세요. 필요한 경우 다른 학생으로 대체할 수 있습니다.

원하는 학생 수와 훈련 개월 수를 입력하세요. 등록을 마치자마자 구독 기간이 시작됨을 기억하세요. 필요한 경우 다른 학생으로 대체할 수 있습니다.

금액은 단 한 번 청구됩니다


CogniFit: Leaders in training and online games for epilepsy

CogniFit: Leaders in training and online games for epilepsy

  • Play online cognitive training games for children, adolescents, adults, and seniors with epilepsy.
  • Access all of the training activities for the cognitive symptoms of epilepsy
  • Test your brain and help improve your brain plasticity with these exercises for epilepsy

Epilepsy is a neurological disorder in which, through individual episodes, there is aberrant behavior in one part of the brain (known as a focal seizure) or in several areas of the brain (known as a generalized seizure). During these crises, damage occurs in the affected brain areas, compromising their function. This has a direct impact on people's daily lives, as it can cause a wide variety of cognitive symptoms, depending on the cognitive areas affected. With this in mind, the CogniFit team has created a training aimed at improving the state of the most commonly impaired cognitive abilities in epilepsy. These cognitive exercises are specifically aimed at young or older adults with epilepsy.

These activities can be complete from a variety of internet-connected devices, such as a computer (web), tablet, or smartphone (app). Multidevice access for these cognitive training activities for epilepsy means they are available to the vast majority of people.

CogniFit's training for epilepsy aims to work and stimulate the state of the various cognitive abilities that may be affected as a consequence of epilepsy, in order to minimize its impact on the user's life. This epilepsy training uses CogniFit's patented technology, which allows the intervention plan to be automatically modified to suit the user's specific needs.

Throughout the epilepsy training, 17 cognitive stimulation games and 8 assessment tasks will be presented. All these activities will be aimed at strengthening and identifying the status of the 3 cognitive capacities most commonly affected in epilepsy.


평균 이상입니다






매우 낮음
매우 높음

누구를 위한 것인가요?

누구를 위한 것인가요?

Epilepsy and epileptic seizures can occur practically at any time in life as a consequence of a great variety of factors. CogniFit offers specific platforms according to the needs that adults with epilepsy may have:

People with epilepsy that want to stimulate their cognitive state

Exercise my cognitive functions affected by epilepsy

Family members, guardians, or caregivers

Support the cognitive rehabilitation of my children, parents, grandparents, or other family members

Healthcare professionals

Work on the cognitive capacities of my patients

Schools and educators

Help my students with epilepsy train their cognitive capacities

Scientists and researchers

Study the effects of cognitive training on the cognitive capacities of people with epilepsy

The CogniFit platform for researchers helps to study in an agile and comfortable way the effect of cognitive training in people suffering from epilepsy and epileptic seizures. The format of the platform allows the experimental design of the study to be applied, saving time and facilitating the management of the participants, the collection of data, and their analysis. It also offers the possibility of creating a control group in which the participants will undergo alternative cognitive training, which is not adapted to the user's needs, which allows a more sophisticated experimental design to be applied.

훈련 대상 인지 능력

훈련 대상 인지 능력

The cognitive symptoms caused by epilepsy can vary depending on different factors, such as the areas of the brain that suffer from epileptogenic foci, their intensity, and frequency, etc. In this way, the pattern of cognitive alterations can be extremely varied. However, certain functions seem to be consistently affected:

훈련된 인지 영역들
인지 능력


The ability to retain or manipulate new information and retrieve memories of the past. Memory allows us to store internal representations of knowledge in our brain and retain events from the past for use in the future. Learning is a key process in memory, as it allows incorporating new information or modifying existing information in previous mental schemas. After this encoding and storage, the information should be ready to be retrieved in the future. The hippocampus is a key brain structure in the memory process, and it works actively during sleep to consolidate information acquired during the day.


689회원님의 점수

400내 연령 사람들의 평균

작업 기억력

작업 기억력

The capacity that allows us to temporarily manipulate the information that we store in working memory, in order to perform complex cognitive tasks. Manipulating the stored data can require an additional effort, making it extremely difficult to perform calculations, ordering of elements, or other mental activities.

675회원님의 점수

400내 연령 사람들의 평균


Ability to efficiently manipulate (order, relate, etc.) the information acquired. Through executive functions, we can access and manipulate the information that we have acquired to achieve complex goals. This set of superior processes makes it possible for us to relate, classify, order, and plan our ideas or actions according to the needs that are imposed by current or expected circumstances. Therefore, they allow us to be flexible and adapt to the environment. Executive functions allow us to be effective in our day to day, solve problems, and achieve our goals even if there are modifications to the original plan.


412회원님의 점수

400내 연령 사람들의 평균

인지적 유연성

인지적 유연성

Ability to adapt our behavior and thinking to new, changing, or unexpected situations. People with epilepsy may have a higher perseverance rate, that is, greater difficulty in showing flexible behavior when faced with an activity that requires changes in behavior or processing.

372회원님의 점수

400내 연령 사람들의 평균


The ability to filter out distractions and focus on relevant information. Attention accompanies every cognitive process and is responsible for assigning cognitive resources based on the relevance of internal and external stimuli. Having attention in a good state is necessary for other higher-level processes, such as memory or planning. Attention is an essential process that requires various parts of our entire brain: from the brainstem or parietal cortex to the prefrontal cortex. However, it appears that the right hemisphere has a predominant role in the control of attention. This cognitive area allows us to be alert, attend to stimuli of our interest in the presence of distractors, concentrate for long periods of time, alternate our attention between different activities or divide our attention into events that occur at the same time.


459회원님의 점수

400내 연령 사람들의 평균



Ability to inhibit or control impulsive (or automatic) responses, and generate responses mediated by attention and reasoning. People who suffer from epilepsy may have greater difficulty than healthy people to inhibit automatic or already initiated behaviors.

422회원님의 점수

400내 연령 사람들의 평균

갱신 능력

갱신 능력

Ability to monitor the conduct we carry out and ensure that it complies with the action plan prepared. The ability to efficiently detect deviations from the original action plan can be impaired in people with epilepsy.

392회원님의 점수

400내 연령 사람들의 평균

What will I gain from using the training for epilepsy from CogniFit?

What will I gain from using the training for epilepsy from CogniFit?

The cognitive alterations resulting from epileptic seizures can cause marked difficulties in daily activities. CogniFit training for epilepsy aims to stimulate affected cognitive abilities in order to better adjust to the demands of everyday life to:

  • Improve the cognitive status of people with epilepsy: Good cognitive abilities allow them to better adjust to the demands of everyday life, favoring independence, and quality of life.
  • Reduce Cognitive symptoms related to epilepsy: Seizures can cause neuronal damage in affected brain areas, which can lead to the appearance of certain cognitive symptoms. Proper training can help reduce the extent and impact of these symptoms.
  • Promote academic and work performance: Cognitive abilities are essential for learning and work development. Minimizing the impact of cognitive alterations and strengthening weak points can help to optimize learning processes or make the effort made at work more efficient.
  • Favor the social and personal context: Cognitive capacities are also essential to be able to socialize properly and to have a fully autonomous personal life. Reducing cognitive symptoms and improving the status of different abilities can help achieve these goals.

어떻게 인지 기능을 강화할 수 있나요?

어떻게 인지 기능을 강화할 수 있나요?

The training for epilepsy is presented in an engaging format so that the stimulation of cognitive abilities can be carried out in a comfortable and enjoyable way. To do this, CogniFit training is composed of a series of entertaining neuropsychological activities of increasing difficulty and adapted to the user's needs, so that they always represent a challenge for the brain. The system ensures the brain is exposed to adequately challenging activities to which it will try to respond. When the brain faces these challenges repeatedly, it ends up dedicating more resources to the cognitive areas most involved in these efforts, which strengthens its state. This phenomenon by which the brain adapts to the demands and demands of the environment is known as neuroplasticity. In this way, it is possible to optimize the management of cognitive resources and their operation, in favor of those most common demands. When the brain manages to optimize these processes, it allows us to be more efficient in these activities.

This is why it is so important to choose the optimal neuropsychological activities, always adapting their difficulty to the state of the user. With a good intervention plan it is possible to achieve the proposed objectives.

첫째 주

두째 주

셋째 주

3 주 후의 뉴런 망을 보여주는 그림



When creating cognitive training for epilepsy, we have sought to optimize their characteristics to make activities as accessible, useful, and entertaining as possible. This effort has resulted in a system with many key advantages:

관리하기 쉬움

The design of the platform has been optimized so that users with epilepsy do not have to learn the intricacies of managing the different functionalities that CogniFit offers, but are presented with a simple and intuitive design, allowing them to quickly access the activities.

매우 매력적임

The style and design of the activities have been chosen so that they are motivating for the user, promoting a greater long-term adherence to the intervention.

상호적이고 시각적인 형식

The instructions for the activities are presented in an interactive way, which facilitates their understanding. The system also displays direct feedback on user actions, so that the user always knows whether or not they have understood the instructions correctly.

완전한 결과 보고서

The person who manages the account will be able to access all the registered data as soon as the user completes a training session. This information will always be accessible from the user's profile.

진행 사항 및 발달 내용

In addition to the most recent cognitive data and a summary of the activity, the person managing the account will have access to all the user's saved information from their registration in CogniFit. This makes it easy and intuitive to check user trends.

사용자 맞춤형

The epilepsy training from CogniFit is personalized, which means that it is tailored to the specific needs of each user. The system automatically adjusts the intervention plan to the user's cognitive state.

원거리 자극

CogniFit is an online platform, which allows the user performing the training to not be physically in the same place as the professional who supervises the intervention and reviews the cognitive results. This is especially useful for remote interventions.

인지 능력을 훈련하지 않았을 때는 어떻게 되나요?

인지 능력을 훈련하지 않았을 때는 어떻게 되나요?

The damage suffered by the brain areas affected by epileptic seizures can ultimately cause alterations in the cognitive functions associated with these areas. In cases where the epileptic seizures are very aggressive, it is possible that the most affected areas lose their function completely. If no attempt is made to compensate by cognitive stimulation for this loss of function in the affected area, the chances that other adjacent or contralateral areas will assume this function are reduced.

Instead, proper cognitive stimulation can help restore or compensate for these functions, greatly reducing the impact on the user's daily life. CogniFit's multi-dimensional and systematic training aims to favor certain neuronal activation patterns to compensate for epilepsy-related alterations.






CogniFit에 얼마나 많은 시간을 투자해야 하나요?

CogniFit에 얼마나 많은 시간을 투자해야 하나요?

CogniFit's training for epilepsy can be performed as often as the person managing the account deems it appropriate. However, it is recommended to take into account that extended training over longer periods favors the appearance of visible results. In addition, it is preferable to perform moderate and constant training over time, rather than very intense short or infrequent training.

The training sessions for epilepsy have the same structure: two cognitive stimulation games and an evaluation task. The structure of the sessions allows us to strengthen the cognitive state, monitor the progress made, and customize the type and difficulty of the activities to our specific needs. The approximate duration of each training session is about 15 minutes.

CotniFIt은 유일합니다

CotniFIt은 유일합니다

다방면 운동

완전한 결과 보고서

과제 자동 선택

주요 도구

난이도 자동 조절

사용자 맞춤형

과학적으로 검증됨

CogniFit's epilepsy training has a number of features and benefits that make it a unique program. The most important of them all is due to the patented ITS™ technology.

The international team of CogniFit scientists developed the ITS™ (Individualized Training System) technology to tailor CogniFit epilepsy training to the specific needs of each user. Consequently, the CogniFit system will automatically apply a different intervention plan to each user, depending on their specific characteristics.

Since CogniFit adjusts and customizes training autonomously, it is not necessary to design and prepare a complex intervention plan for each user. It will be the program itself that decides, through a sophisticated algorithm, which activities and at what level of difficulty the user needs to train.

This regulation is carried out through the processing of a large number of variables collected during each training session. In addition to allowing autonomous regulation of the training plan, it also allows monitoring of cognitive status.

CogniFit training for people with epilepsy enables different cognitive abilities to be stimulated in a rigorous, systematic, and multidisciplinary way, through activities that are adapted to the specific needs of each user.

고객 서비스

고객 서비스

If you have any questions about the operation, management, or interpretation of the CogniFit training data specific to epilepsy, you can contact us immediately. Our team of experts in cognitive neuroscience will answer your questions and help you with everything you need.

지금 연락하세요

참고 문헌

참고 문헌

[1] Lubrini, G., Periáñez, J.A., & Ríos-Lago, M. (2009). Introducción a la estimulación cognitiva y la rehabilitación neuropsicológica. En Estimulación cognitiva y rehabilitación neuropsicológica (p.13). Rambla del Poblenou 156, 08018 Barcelona: Editorial UOC. Shatil E (2013). ¿El entrenamiento cognitivo y la actividad física combinados mejoran las capacidades cognitivas más que cada uno por separado? Un ensayo controlado de cuatro condiciones aleatorias entre adultos sanos. Front. Aging Neurosci. 5:8. doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2013.00008. Korczyn dC, Peretz C, Aharonson V, et al. - El programa informático de entrenamiento cognitivo CogniFit produce una mejora mayor en el rendimiento cognitivo que los clásicos juegos de ordenador: Estudio prospectivo, aleatorizado, doble ciego de intervención en los ancianos. Alzheimer y Demencia: El diario de la Asociación de Alzheimer de 2007, tres (3): S171. Shatil E, Korczyn dC, Peretzc C, et al. - Mejorar el rendimiento cognitivo en pacientes ancianos con entrenamiento cognitivo computarizado - El Alzheimer y a Demencia: El diario de la Asociación de Alzheimer de 2008, cuatro (4): T492. Verghese J, J Mahoney, Ambrosio AF, Wang C, Holtzer R. - Efecto de la rehabilitación cognitiva en la marcha en personas mayores sedentarias - J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2010 Dec;65(12):1338-43. Evelyn Shatil, Jaroslava Mikulecká, Francesco Bellotti, Vladimír Burěs - Novel Television-Based Cognitive Training Improves Working Memory and Executive Function - PLoS ONE July 03, 2014. 10.1371/journal.pone.0101472. Gard T, Hölzel BK, Lazar SW. The potential effects of meditation on age-related cognitive decline: a systematic review. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2014 Jan; 1307:89-103. doi: 10.1111/nyas.12348. 2. Voss MW et al. Plasticity of brain networks in a randomized intervention trial of exercise training in older adults. Front Aging Neurosci. 2010 Aug 26;2. pii: 32. doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2010.00032.

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