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You are going to create a patient management account. This account is designed to give your patients access to CogniFit evaluations and training.
You are going to create a research account. This account is specially designed to help researchers with their studies in the cognitive areas.
You are going to create a student management account. This account is designed to give your students access to CogniFit evaluations and training.
You are going to create a family account. This account is designed to give your family members access to CogniFit evaluations and training.
You are going to create a company management account. This account is designed to give your employees access to CogniFit evaluations and training.
For personal use
I'm a health professional
For my family
I'm an educator
I'm a researcher
Employee Wellbeing
For users 16 years and older. Children under 16 can use CogniFit with a parent on one of the family platforms.
By clicking Sign Up or using CogniFit, you are indicating that you have read, understood, and agree to CogniFit's Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.
Cognitive Assessment Batteries and brain training exercises to conduct brain-based experimental studies
JoinCognitive measurement and analysis tools specifically designed for researchers. The professional brain training and neuropsychological assessment platform was created to help researchers conduct studies in which cognitive analysis is essential.
591 institutions are currently running their studies with us.
If you are interested in conducting clinical research with any of our products please contact us
Darwin Science Institute
Participants: 135
Groups: 24
60 and Over
Control Group
Participants: 11
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60 and Over
Normal Group
Participants: 11
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Memory Test
Control Group
Participants: 5
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Memory Test
Normal Group
Participants: 5
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Type of group
Control Group
Normal Group
Settings: Manual
Daniel Foster
Memory Test
Control Group
Number of training regime iterations
Get access to a number of measurement and analysis instruments to assess cognitive function. Whatever the specialization, this digital platform will save you time, making it quicker for the professional and more comfortable for the patient. The platform makes it simple to collect, manage, and analyze the received data, as well as manage participants and track the measurement of their cognitive functions.
Perform experimental studies about the effects of cognitive stimulation with computerized programs (brain training).
Carry out research to train specific cognitive domains: The CogniFit programs assess and train a wide range of cognitive skills. You will be able to monitor a range of cognitive problems.
Focused Attention
Visual Perception
Divided Attention
Response Time
Working Memory
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Cognitive Domains
Cognitive Evolution
This tool is designed specifically to allow the researcher to personalize and adapt this neuropsychological assessment instrument and closely follow the participant's cognitive skills and evolution.
CogniFit Research™ grants free tools to scientists and institutions conducting eligible research studies. An eligible research study is an academic study which:
If your study does not meet these criteria, please see our Clinical Trials Solution
Each neuropsychological assessment battery is intended for use as a regular screening tool to track subtle cognitive deficiencies. The cognitive tests allow physicians to design and monitor each patient's intervention and cognitive rehabilitation process.*
Research tools designed to help explore neuropsychological and cognitive characteristics in people with and without pathologies.
Computerized tools for scientists and researchers with simple scales, assessments, and valid standardized tests for children 7+ and adults.
Research about general cognitive health
Cognitive Assessment Battery (CAB)® PRO
Research about specific brain conditions*
*The products below are for research purposes only
Dyslexia Cognitive Assessment Dyscalculia Cognitive Assessment ADHD Cognitive Assessment Parkinson's Disease Cognitive Assessment Depression Cognitive Assessment Chemo Brain Cognitive Assessment Insomnia Cognitive AssessmentFibromyalgia Cognitive Assessment
Patented brain training program methodology designed to measure, train, track, and monitor 22 cognitive skills we use in our daily lives. Help stimulate cognitive functions and improve brain plasticity. Based on AI and advanced adaptive algorithms the system automatically adapts the training to the needs of each user.
Research instruments aimed at cognitive training and/or rehabilitation through the use of computerized exercises. These exercises allow the specialist to plan the patient's rehabilitation using experimental paradigms. Standardized tools for children 7+ and adults.
Research about general cognitive health
General Cognitive Stimulation General Cognitive Stimulation for Children Driving Cognitive Stimulation 65 and Over Cognitive Stimulation Attention and Concentration Cognitive Stimulation ADHD Perception Cognitive Stimulation Memory Cognitive Stimulation Reasoning and Executive Cognitive Stimulation Coordination Cognitive Stimulation Reading Comprehension Cognitive Stimulation Exam Cognitive Stimulation
Research about specific brain conditions*
*The products below are for research purposes only
Dyslexia Cognitive Stimulation for Children Dyslexia Cognitive Stimulation for Adults Dyscalculia Cognitive Stimulation for Children Dyscalculia Cognitive Stimulation for Adults ADHD Cognitive Stimulation for Children ADHD Cognitive Stimulation for Adults Insomnia Cognitive Stimulation for Children Insomnia Cognitive Stimulation for Adults Depression Cognitive Stimulation Parkinson's Disease Cognitive Stimulation Multiple Sclerosis Cognitive Stimulation Chemo Brain Cognitive Stimulation Fibromyalgia Cognitive Stimulation Stroke Cognitive Stimulation Epilepsy Cognitive Stimulation
Cognitive stimulation through brain exercises and brain games available on any device, right at your fingertips.
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