Cognitive Assessment for Dyscalculia Research (CAB-DC)
Innovative neuropsychological assessment for dyscalculia that allows for a complete cognitive screening and assessment of the risk index of having this math-based learning disorder.
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Cognitive Assessment for Dyscalculia Research (CAB-DC)
You are going to create a patient management account. This account is designed to give your patients access to CogniFit evaluations and training.
You are going to create a student management account. This account is designed to give your students access to CogniFit evaluations and training.
You are going to create a research account. This account is specially designed to help researchers with their studies in the cognitive areas.
* Assessment licenses can be used for any type of assessment
Computerized battery to evaluate and detect dyscalculia
Computerized battery to evaluate and detect dyscalculia
- Evaluate the risk index of having dyscalculia
- For children 7 and older, teens, and adults
- Takes approximately 30-40 minutes to complete
- Reliability analysis of the evaluation - Only in English Download
The Cognitive Assessment for Dyscalculia Patients (CAB-DC) from CogniFit is a leading professional tool made up of tests and tasks, aimed at quickly detecting and evaluating the symptoms, traits, and dysfunctions in the cognitive processes affected by dyscalculia.
This innovative online dyscalculia test is a resource that provides a complete cognitive screening, making it possible to understand cognitive strengths and weaknesses, and evaluates the users risk index for dyscalculia. This test is aimed at children 7 years and older, teens, and adults. Any user, whether an individual or a professional, can easily use this neuropsychological assessment battery.
The results of the assessment are available automatically after completing the assessment, which usually lasts about 30-40 minutes.
This learning disorder indicates a significant and persistent learning difficulty that affects the linguistic abilities associated with mental calculations. Clinical history and the evaluation of different areas, especially neuropsychology, are still the most effective tools to diagnose dyscalculia. Note that CogniFit does not directly offer a medical diagnosis of dyscalculia. We recommend using this dyscalculia test to complement a professional diagnosis, and never as a replacement for a clinical consultation.
Digitalized protocol for the evaluation of dyscalculia (CAB-DC)
Digitalized protocol for the evaluation of dyscalculia (CAB-DC)
This complete cognitive evaluation for the detection of dyscalculia is made up of a questionnaire and a complete battery of neuropsychological tests. It usually takes about 30-40 minutes to complete.
The person taking the test will answer a short questionnaire, which will evaluate the signs and symptoms for the user’s age, and will present the cognitive tasks directly after in the form of simple online games.
Well-being Questionnaire
A series of simple questions will be presented on-screen to detect the main diagnostic criteria, signs, and symptoms of dyscalculia. The questionnaire will adapt to the user’s age and will present questions appropriate for each age range.
Neuropsychological factors and cognitive profile
The CAB-DC will continue with a battery of tasks designed to evaluate the man cognitive factors shown to be affected by this learning disorder, paying close attention to executive functions. This test will use scales and tasks for each user’s age.
Complete results report
After completing the dyscalculia assessment, you will automatically receive a detailed report, where you will see the risk index of having dyscalculia (low-medium-high), warning signs, cognitive profile, results analysis, recommendations, and guidelines. The results offer valuable information, and makes it possible to identify support strategies or recommendations to see a specialist for more in-depth testing.
Psychometric Results
Psychometric Results
The Cognitive Assessment for Dyscalculia Patients (CAB-DC) from CogniFit uses patented algorithms and artificial intelligence (AI), which makes it possible to analyze thousands of variables and detect a possible risk of dyscalculia with very satisfactory psychometric results.
The cognitive profile from the neuropsychological report has a high reliability, consistency, and stability. Transversal research designs, like the Cronbach Alpha coefficient, were followed and reached scores of rougly 0.9. The Test-Restest analyses reached scores of close to 1.0, which shows high reliability and precision.
See validation tableWho is it for?
Who is it for?
The Cognitive Assessment for Dyscalculia Patients (CAB-DC) can be used for children 7 years and older and adults who may be living with dyscalculia.
Any individual or professional user can easily use this neuropsychological assessment battery, without the need for previous training or specialized knowledge in neuroscience or technological processes. It is especially designed for:
Individual users
Understand brain functions and cognitive strengths and weaknesses
Healthcare Professional
Precisely assess patients and offer a complete results report
Schools and Educational Specialists
Detect the students that are at-risk for having dyscalculia. Help prevent academic difficulties and failure
Parents, Guardians, and Individuals
Detect if a loved-one shows a risk of having dyscalculia
Measures the cognitive abilities of study participants
This technological support tool based on scientific methodology to quickly and precisely evaluate the symptoms, traits, strengths, and weaknesses in the cognitive processes affected by dyscalculia has a number of benefits:
The Cognitive Assessment for Dyscalculia Patients (CAB-DC) is a professional resource created by learning disorder specialists and neuropsychology. This leading instrument is being used by the scientific community, schools, universities, families, foundations, and medical centers around the world.
Any professional or individual user (healthcare professional, teacher, etc.) can use this neuropsychological assessment battery without any specialized training in technology or neuropsychology. The interactive format makes for an easy and quick management of patients and users.
All of the tasks are automatically presented as fun, interactive games, which helps increase motivation and learning, especially in children.
The Cognitive Assessment for Dyscalculia Patients (CAB-DC) offers quick and precise feedback, creating a complete analysis system for the results. This makes it possible to understand the user’s cognitive strengths and weaknesses and understand clinical symptoms, as well as the user’s risk index for dyscalculia.
This powerful software makes it possible to evaluate thousands of specific recommendations tailored to each user's specific needs.
When should this dyscalculia test be used?
When should this dyscalculia test be used?
This assessment battery makes it possible to reliably detect the risk of presenting dyscalculia in children 7 years and older and adults.
We recommend using this test for anyone who you may suspect has dyscalculia. The early detection of this learning disorder can help minimize developmental difficulties and start an appropriate intervention program suitable for each profile.
This assessment battery also makes it possible for adults to understand their risk index for having dyscalculia. Many adults have lived their entire lives with dyscalculia and were never aware of the dysfunction. And, while they may have a normal, or even above average IQ, they may have been considered poor students. Without the early detection and proper management of this learning disorder, adults with dyscalculia may have problems at work or in social situations.
Below are some of the most representative symptoms of dyscalculia:
Difficulties with mathematical calculations
People with dyscalculia have trouble processing mathematical language, which makes it difficult to do mathematical processes like adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing.
Difficulties recognizing mathematical symbols
People with dyscalculia may confuse symbols like “+” or “-“, which may create problems when using and applying them to mathematical operations.
Problems aligning mathematical operations
It is common to have trouble changing a vertically written math problem horizontally and vice versa. With operations like multiplication or division, someone with dyscalculia may have trouble aligning the right numbers and symbols in order to get the correct answer.
Difficulties understand spoken word problems
May present difficulties remembering the information given in the word problem, which can make it very difficult, or even impossible, to correctly write and carry-out the correct mathematical operation. It is also common to have trouble differentiating relevant and irrelevant information.
General symptoms
Aside from the purely mathematical problems, people living with dyscalculia may also have trouble telling time, they may get lost often, and they may have poor orientation.
Description of the diagnostic criteria questionnaire
Description of the diagnostic criteria questionnaire
Dyscalculia is characterized by a series of clinical signs and symptoms. These indicators can help you understand the risk of someone having this learning disorder. This is why the first part of the Cognitive Assessment for Dyscalculia Patients (CAB-DC) is a questionnaire made of questions that have been adapted to the diagnostic criteria and symptoms of dyscalculia for each age range.
The questions presented here are similar to those that can be found in a diagnostic manual, questionnaire, or evaluation scales. However, they have been simplified to be easily understood by almost any user.
Made up of a series of simple questions that should be answered by a parent or the professional in charge of the assessment. The questionnaire will cover the following domains: Mathematical language (comprehension of the mathematical symptoms, their meaning, and representation), Mathematical reasoning (numeric thinking, problem solving, logic, etc.), Social relationships (caused by frustration and frustration that may these math problems may have caused), Learning and development (dyscalculia is related to different familiar and developmental factors).
A series of simple questions that can be completed by the professional in charge of the evaluation or by the person taking the test. The questionnaire will cover the following domains: Mathematical language (comprehension of mathematical symptoms, their meaning, and representation), Mathematical reasoning (numeric thinking, problem solving, logic, etc.), Academic history (due to the relation between dyscalculia and academic failure), Professional and social areas (difficulties with the relationship of calculations and daily life).
Description of the battery to evaluate the neuropsychological factors affected by dyscalculia
Description of the battery to evaluate the neuropsychological factors affected by dyscalculia
The presence of alteration in some specific cognitive skills may be indicators of dyscalculia. A general profile of the cognitive skills may indicate how severe the alterations are. Problems with calculations, academic difficulty, and social and emotional problems may be caused by deficits in different cognitive skills. These are the domains and cognitive skills evaluated in the dyscalculia test (CAB-DC):
Ability to filter distractions and focus on relevant information.Excellent
7.5% above average
Focused attention and dyscalculia. Focused attention is the ability to focus attention on a target stimulus, regardless of how long. We use focused attention in class or doing homework. When distracted, it’s possible to miss important information, which makes it more difficult to correctly complete math equations.
651Your Score
Inhibition, or inhibitory control, is defined as the ability for a human to inhibit or control their impulsive or automatic responses and generate responses mediated by concentration and reasoning. Inhibition has been described in some studies as one of the cognitive abilities most closely associated with mathematical issues; in this way, insufficient inhibition has been linked to dyscalculia.
465Your Score
Ability to retain or manipulate new information and recover memories from the past.Excellent
8.5% above average
Phonological short-term memory is a component of our sensory memory that is responsible for retaining for a short period the phonological information we receive from our surroundings. The phonological loop and the central phonological executive mechanism (cognitive mechanisms closely associated with short-term phonological memory) have an essential role in mathematical ability.
563Your Score
Working memory and dyscalculia. It is important to keep in mind that an alteration in working memory may be a strong indicator of dyscalculia. Working memory is the ability to retain and use the necessary information to complete complex cognitive tasks, like mathematic operations. Poor working memory may make it difficult to do both complex and simple math problems.
579Your Score
Ability to efficiently carry-out precise and organized movements.Excellent
8.5% above average
Reaction time and dyscalculia. Reaction time is the ability to perceive, process, and respond to a simple stimulus, like quickly and efficiently solving a simple math equation. People with slow response time often have trouble easily and fluidly completing math problems.
640Your Score
Ability to interpret the stimuli from one's surroundings.Excellent
8.0% above average
Spacial perception is the ability humans have to understand and be aware of our relationship to the spaces around us and how we fit within those spaces. Numbers and arithmetic have a stong spacial component and proper spacial perception can be essential for proper learning, use, and manipulation of mathematical concepts.
609Your Score
Ability to efficiently use (organize, relate, etc.) acquired information.Excellent
8.1% above average
Cognitive processing speed and dyscalculia. Processing speed is the ability to process information quickly and automatically. People who have allegations in processing speed may take longer to understand and complete math problems. Slow auditory and verbal processing may cause problems when decoding numbers, letters, words, and sentences.
500Your Score
Ability to understand and express verbal information (spoken, written, etc.).Excellent
7.5% above average
Naming and dyscalculia. Naming is the ability to access a word from your vocabulary in order to correctly name an object or idea. An alteration in naming may cause difficulties when using mathematical language.
742Your Score
Evaluation tasks
Our Digital Cognitive Assessments
CogniFit digital tests are designed to measure a specific areas of cognition and are grouped together to form customized batteries based on the unique requirements of the study design and population. Learn more about our different tests and how they can support the unique needs of your study by exploring the details and demos below.
The Speed Test REST-HECOOR exercise was inspired by the classic test of Fingertip tapping from the assessment battery NEPSY (Korkman et al., 1998). The test-taker is required to keep on clicking for 10 seconds and as rapidly as possible with the mouse, or finger if using a touch-screen device, in a defined area on the screen. Data is collected as the number of clicks during the allocated time, number of clicks inside the defined area and number of clicks outside it.
The Resolution Test REST-SPER was inspired by the classic paradigms Go/No Go Task (Gordon & Caramazza, 1982), Continuous Performance Test (Conners, 1989; Epstein et al., 2001), and the Psychomotor Vigilance Task (Dinges & Powell, 1985). The test-taker is required to rapidly press on circles which appear on the screen and to ignore hexagons should they also appear. Embedded in the task are 16 circles-only items and 8 circles-and-hexagons items. For each item data is collected on response time, response accuracy and cursor distance from target center.
Visual Working Memory Span Test
The Concentration Test VISMEM-PLAN took as a reference the Corsi block-tapping test (Corsi, 1972; Kessels et al., 2000; Wechsler, 1945). In the first part of the task, some circles, within a fixed array of circles, light up. The test-taker is required to memorize which circles, within the array, have lit up and then try to reproduce the sequence in the right order. In the second part of the task, a delay of 4 secs is added between the first screen and the playback screen, in order to increase the time the user must retain the information.
The Decoding Test VIPER-NAM was inspired by the Boston Naming Test (Kaplan et al., 1983) and by the vocabulary test from the WAIS-III (Wechsler, 1997). The test-taker is required to click on the first letter, among four of them, that spells the name of the object depicted on the screen. For example, for the picture of an apple, the test-taker should click on the letter “A” but not on the three incorrect responses (C, P, M) also present on the screen.
Multimodal Lexical Memory Test
The Identification Test COM-NAM is based on the Boston Naming Test (Kaplan et al., 1983) and by the vocabulary test from the WAIS-III (Wechsler, 1997). For each object shown, the test-taker must choose from three possibilities: 1) the item is presented for the first time in the task or 2) the last time it appeared the item was spoken or 3) the last time it appeared the item was presented as a picture.
The Sequencing Test WOM-ASM is based on the classic direct and indirect digit test of the WAIS-III (Wechsler, 1997). The test-taker is required to remember and reproduce increasingly longer number sequences, which appear, each in its turn, on the screen. The task will begin with a two- -number sequence.
The Equivalencies Test INH-REST was based on the classic Stroop test (Stroop, 1935). The test-taker is asked to press on the spacebar (go action) only if the color names on the screen are printed in the matching color and to refrain from pressing (no-go) if the color of the letters does not match the printed color name.
The Recognition Test WOM-REST is based on the classic tests of Symbol search (WAIS) (Wechsler, 1997), Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) (Heaton, 1981) and Raven's Progressive Matrices Test (Raven, 1936). In this task, a trio-sequence of objects is presented in the center of the screen. The test-taker is required to memorize these stimuli in a first screen, and to recognize it from among four trio-sequences in a second screen. The number of correct answers is considered to calculate an accuracy percentage.