Cognitive Assessment of ADHD for Children (CAB-ADHD)
Innovative online ADD and ADHD test makes it possible to take a complete cognitive screening and evaluate the risk index for the presence of ADD or ADHD and its subtype.
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Cognitive Assessment of ADHD for Children (CAB-ADHD)
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* Assessment licenses can be used for any type of assessment
What is the CogniFit ADHD test?
What is the CogniFit ADHD test?
- Evaluate the risk index for the presence of ADHD
- For children over 7 years old, and young people.
- Lasts about 13-16 minutes
- Reliability analysis of the evaluation - Only in English Download
The Cognitive Assessment of ADHD for Children (СAB-ADHD) is a professional test that uses tasks to quickly and accurately evaluate the presence of symptoms related to ADHD.
To diagnose Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder or Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD or ADD) a multidisciplinary assessment must be carried out. It is important to always perform an exhaustive differential diagnosis in order to discard other symptoms that may be better explained by a different mood disorder, learning disorder, or another condition.
This neuropsychological online ADHD test makes a complete cognitive screening and evaluates the risk index for ADHD by taking into account the user’s cognitive strengths and weaknesses. This ADHD assessment also determines the subtype of ADHD: Inattentive (ADD) or hyperactive-impulsive predominance (ADHD). This ADHD test is appropriate for kids 7+ and teens. Anyone can easily use this online ADHD neuropsychological evaluation.
A thorough neuropsychological evaluation, clinical history and assessing different areas are still the most effective tools to detect and diagnose ADD or ADHD. Note that CogniFit does not directly offer a medical diagnosis of ADD/ADHD. We recommend using this ADHD test as a complementary tool and never as a replacement for a clinical diagnosis.
The results of this ADHD test will be available for download after completing the ADHD online test, which usually lasts about 13-16 minutes.
Phases of this ADHD assessment (CAB-ADHD)
Phases of this ADHD assessment (CAB-ADHD)
The complete cognitive assessment for the detection of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder or Attention Deficit Disorder consists of a questionnaire and a battery of neuropsychological tests. It takes about 13-16 minutes to complete.
Children at risk for having ADHD will respond to the questionnaire, which will evaluate the clinical symptoms of ADHD relevant to each age group. After this questionnaire, a series of games and tasks will be presented on the screen to assess cognitive function.
Well-being Questionnaire
A series of simple questions to detect the main diagnostic criteria (DSM-5) and symptoms of ADHD will be presented. The questionnaire contains questions that were developed and adapted to each age range.
Neuropsychological factors and cognitive profile
Following the questionnaire, a battery of online tasks designed to evaluate the main neuropsychological factors associated with this disorder will appear, focusing especially on executive functions. It uses scales and tasks appropriate for each user.
Complete results report
After completing the ADHD cognitive assessment, you will receive a detailed report, where you will see the user's risk index of having ADHD or ADD (low-moderate-high), and will show you the type (ADHD or ADHD), warning signs, cognitive profile, an analysis of the results, recommendations, and guidelines. These results offer valuable information and can help a professional identify the appropriate support strategies for each user.
Psychometric Results
Psychometric Results
The Cognitive Assessment of ADHD for Children (CAB-ADHD)uses patented algorithms and artificial intelligence (AI) which makes it possible to analyze thousands of variables and notify the user of a risk of ADD or ADHD which very satisfactory psychometric results.
The cognitive profile in the neuropsychological report has received scores of high reliability, consistency, and stability. Transversal research designs were used, like the Cronbach Alpha coefficient, reaching scores of almost .9. The Test-Retest tests reached scores of almost 1, showing the high reliability and precision.
See validation tableWho is it for?
Who is it for?
Individual Users
Know the state of my brain, as well as my strengths or weaknesses
Healthcare Professional
Precisely evaluate patients and offer a detailed report
Schools and Educational Professionals
Detect the students at-risk for ADHD. Help prevent academic difficulties and social problems
Parents, guardians, and individuals
See if your loved-ones may have ADHD
Measures the cognitive abilities of study participants
Using this online tool based on scientific methodology to quickly and precisely detect the symptoms, weaknesses, traits, and poor functioning of the cognitive processes affected by ADD or ADHD offers multiple advantages:
The Cognitive Assessment of ADHD for Children (СAB-ADHD) is a professional resource created by neurobiological disorder specialists that start during development. The cognitive tests have been patented. This leading instrument is used by the scientific community, schools, universities, families, associations, foundations, and medical centers around the world.
Any professional or individual user (teacher, healthcare professional, etc.) can use this neuropsychological assessment battery without any background in neuroscience or technology systems. The interactive format makes it easy to use.
All of the clinical tasks presented in the test are completely automatic. CogniFit has made all of the tasks interactive, which helps the user engage and enjoy playing and can help increase motivation and comprehension, especially in children.
The Cognitive Assessment of ADHD for Children (СAB-ADHD) offers quick and precise feedback, creating a useful system to analyze results. This makes it possible to see comprehensive and easy-to-understand information that will allow you to recognize and see the clinical symptoms, strengths, weaknesses, risk index, and type of disorder (ADD, ADHD).
This powerful software makes it possible to analyze thousands or variables and offers specific recommendations for each subtype and the needs of each individual.
When should you use this ADHD test?
When should you use this ADHD test?
With this evaluation battery it is possible to reliably detect the risk of presenting ADD, Hyperactivity or ADHD in children from 7 years of age .
If it is suspected that a person may be at risk of suffering from Attention Deficit Disorder with or without Hyperactivity, it is recommended that this evaluation be carried out as soon as possible. Early detection makes it possible to minimize developmental difficulties and apply an intervention program appropriate to each profile.
This neuropsychological evaluation battery also allows the risk index to be identified in childrens. Today there are many childrens who have suffered from attention and concentration difficulties, overactivity, difficulty following routines and orders, or impulsivity throughout their lives, but who have never been aware of the dysfunction. And, even if they have a normal intellectual capacity, or even above average, it is very likely that they have been considered lazy, distracted, impertinent, problematic, aggressive or bad students.
Not receiving early detection or the necessary adapted tools makes daily functioning very difficult, and can lead to problems in the academic field, in social or family interaction, and in the emotional sphere.
ADHD is associated with delay and difficulties in academic and social functioning. This syndrome affects behavior and is characterized by moderate or severe distraction, short attention spans, motor restlessness, emotional instability, and impulsive behaviors.
Difficulties when concentrating and paying attention to a stimulus.
Children with ADD often have significant attention problems, but don't display hyperactivity. In fact, they could even be characterized by how their slowness and hypoactivity. Attention problems are caused by a poor-functioning and under-developed prefrontal cortex in the brain, which impedes the ability to correctly process information and start the neural mechanisms necessary to: understand an action, start it, avoid distractions, and complete it properly. People with ADD are often distracted by activities or sounds, don't pay attention to details, and make careless mistakes when doing a boring or difficult project (either for school or socially).
Inability to listen to and follow a conversation
Children with ADD generally have trouble processing or concentrating on stimuli, which is why it may seem like they're not paying attention when being spoken to. This is because they have trouble concentration on what the other person is saying and can make it difficult to pay attention in school or even with family. People with ADD have trouble following directions and completing tasks or projects.
Inappropriate behaviors and difficulty adapting to a social environment
The deficiencies in attentional skills and cognitive processes that people with ADD present make it difficult to adequately understand social interactions and follow the rules or norms that regulate these interactions. This difficulty in following established rules can sometimes cause inappropriate responses and difficulty adapting to the environment (domestic, school, social, etc.), which can lead them to feel rejected, causing low self-esteem, irritability, and inadequate classrooms. behavior and poor academic performance.
Often loses or misplaces things
It is common for them to lose things or tools necessary for their activities or tasks (toys, school supplies, tools, etc.). They are easily distracted and forgetful. They don't remember what they did with the jacket, where they left the money, they forget homework and other important things.
"Low motivation" to start or complete tasks
People with this disorder often have trouble organizing and finishing tasks and activities. This characteristic is related to the difficulty that children with ADD have to focus on a determined action. Their "lack of motivation" isn't because the person is lazy or doesn't understand instructions, but rather that their brain has more trouble blocking external stimuli and paying attention to a single action.
Changes in mood and symptoms of anxiety and low self-esteem
These symptoms may develop as a consequence of the inability to adapt to certain situations and the rejection that they may cause. They may feel inferior or misunderstood by their classmates and teachers.
Difficulty with self-control and inability to inhibit a behavior
Children with ADHD with the predominantly hyperactive-impulsive presentation are guided by spontaneity. As such, they don't only have difficulty controlling their behavior, but also controlling their thoughts and emotions.
They are often impetuous and speak or act before thinking
They present problems seeing the consequences that their actions may have or analyze a situation carefully. This is why the things that they say or do may be inappropriate for a certain situation.
Poor planning when carrying out daily tasks
This impulsiveness can cause frustration. They may be frustrated by their experiences as they do not receive the desired or expected outcomes from certain situations.
Poor academic performance
Difficulty adapting to the norms of a situation. Their performance is closely related to self-control, which causes them to abandon tasks that they find boring or that may not give them anything in return.
Difficulty relating to friends
Children with ADHD with a predominantly hyperactive-impulsive presentation have trouble relating and adapting to the environment (academic, familiar, etc.). Their impulsiveness and "impertinent" behavior may sometimes cause others to feel uncomfortable.
They are "poor losers"
Some people with this subtype may be prone to fighting, which is caused by the brain's difficulty to analyze a situation and foresee the outcome.
May participate in dangerous behaviors
Are often not conscious of the threat or risks that their actions may cause
Seem to be constantly moving
Hyperactivity is an excessive behavior motor over-activity that makes it difficult to stay still. These people need to move more often than their classmates and present inappropriate behaviors.
Unintentional movements and restless hands and feet
Unintentional movements like bouncing or constantly moving from place to place.
Difficulties starting a task
Even when they find it fun and entertaining
They often put themselves in other people's conversations or activities
They act inappropriately, saying or doing things that they shouldn't
They have little patience and aren't able to do quiet or attention-heavy tasks
Hyperactivity is more of a hyperactive behavior, which means that it is excessive, uncontrolled, and implies motor difficulties caused by neurological factors.
Shows combined signs of inattention and hyperactivity-impulsiveness
- Difficulties concentrating on a stimulis
- Changes in mood and symptoms of anxiety and low self-esteem
- Difficulty with self-control and inhibiting behaviors
- May behave inappropriately and talk or act before thinking
- Poor planning of daily activities
Description of the diagnostic criteria questionnaire
Description of the diagnostic criteria questionnaire
ADHD and its subtypes are characterized by a series of clinical signs and symptoms. These indicators can help understand the presence of this disorder, which is why the first part of the CAB-ADHD is a questionnaire with questions that have been adapted to the main diagnostic criteria and symptoms for each age range.
The questions in the questionnaire are similar to what you may find in a diagnostic manual, clinical questionnaire, or evaluation scales. However, they have been simplified to be understood by almost anyone.
It consists of a series of simple questions that should be completed by the teacher or professional responsible for the assessment. The questionnaire covers the following domains: Hyperactivity and impulsiveness (has trouble controlling movements and knowing how to inhibit actions), inattention (isn't able to pay attention for the time needed for an activity), problems with social relationships (frustration, low self-esteem), learning and development (history, difficulty learning academic concepts).
Consists of a series of simple questions that can be completed by a teacher or family member who is in charge of the assessment. The questionnaire covers the following domains: Hyperactivity and impulsiveness (feeling of restlessness or impatience), inattention (easily distracted, difficulty concentrating), poor social skills (lack of empathy and assertiveness), learning and development (academic difficulties, academic failure, etc.).
Evaluation tasks
Our Digital Cognitive Assessments
CogniFit digital tests are designed to measure a specific areas of cognition and are grouped together to form customized batteries based on the unique requirements of the study design and population. Learn more about our different tests and how they can support the unique needs of your study by exploring the details and demos below.
Sustained Attention to Response Test