Favorite Paintings
INH: Preferences Test
Neurocognitive assessment
Assess response time and inhibition
Compare results by age group. Give it a try!
The preferences test was created to assess the subject's ability to make decisions quickly. When it comes to making a choice based on personal taste, it usually takes the subject longer to respond. First, the information has to be gathered about both opinions, and then the brain has to start the subjective process. After completing these two previous steps, the subject just make a decision. This last step is what the Preferences Test measures.
- Assessed cognitive skills:Inhibition and Response time.
- Time allowed:Between approximately 60 and 70 seconds.
- Areas of application: Educational Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Neuropsychology, and General Medicine.
- Format: Online Computerized Test (PCs, cell phones, tablets).
- Objective: Choose the image that you like more. This decision should be made as quickly as possible.
- instructions: Throughout the test you will see pairs of images in squares on the screen. You must choose which of the two options you like more in each case. To do this, you will have to evaluate each image based off of your personal taste and later make a decision. Do all of this as quickly as possible.

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Haimov I, Hanuka E, Horowitz Y. - Chronic insomnia and cognitive functioning among older adults - Behavioural sleep medicine 2008; 6:32-54.
Greenberg, L. M., Kindschi, C. L., & Corman, C. L (1996). TOVA test of variables of attention: clinical guide. St. Paul, MN: TOVA Research Foundation.
Korkman, M., Kirk, U., & Kemp, S (1998). NEPSY: A developmental neuropsychological assessment. Psychological Corporation.
Korkman, M., Kirk, U., & Kemp, S (1998). Manual for the NEPSY. San Antonio, TX: Psychological corporation.