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You are going to create a patient management account. This account is designed to give your patients access to CogniFit evaluations and training.

You are going to create a research account. This account is specially designed to help researchers with their studies in the cognitive areas.

You are going to create a student management account. This account is designed to give your students access to CogniFit evaluations and training.

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You are going to create a company management account. This account is designed to give your employees access to CogniFit evaluations and training.

You are going to create a personal account. This type of account is specially designed to help you evaluate and train your cognitive skills.

You are going to create a patient management account. This account is designed to give your patients access to CogniFit evaluations and training.

You are going to create a family account. This account is designed to give your family members access to CogniFit evaluations and training.

You are going to create a research account. This account is specially designed to help researchers with their studies in the cognitive areas.

You are going to create a student management account. This account is designed to give your students access to CogniFit evaluations and training.

You are going to create a company management account. This account is designed to give your employees access to CogniFit evaluations and training.

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For users 16 years and older. Children under 16 can use CogniFit with a parent on one of the family platforms.

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ADHD in children and adolescents

CogniFit has more than 2 million users worldwide

ADHD in children and adolescents

Trains and strengthens essential cognitive abilities in a professional way. Comprehensive report of results, progress, and evolution.

Who is it for?

This product is not for sale. This product is for research purposes only. For more info see CogniFit Research Platform


ADHD in children and adolescents

Users under 16 years-old must use a family account


Number of family members

Users under 16 years-old must use a family account

Number of patients
Number of family members
Number of students
Number of participants
Months of training

Enter the desired number of patients and their months of training. Please note that the patient's subscription will begin at the time the patient registers. You may replace one patient with another if necessary.

Enter the desired number of family members and their training months. Please note that the member's subscription will begin at the time of registration. You may replace one family member with another if necessary.

Enter the desired number of students and their training months. Please note that the student's subscription will begin at the time of registration. You may replace one student for another if necessary.

Enter the desired number of participants and their training months. Please note that the participant's subscription will begin at the time of registration. You may replace one participant for another if necessary.

One-time payment


Leaders in neuropsychological activities to help treat childhood and adolescent ADHD

Leaders in neuropsychological activities to help treat childhood and adolescent ADHD

  • Access a digital program of activities and exercises for children with ADHD
  • Helps strengthen cognitive abilities affected by ADHD in children and adolescents
  • Discover a complete results, progress and evolution report

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that appears during childhood and that, if not properly treated, can have a strong impact on adolescence or even adulthood. The symptoms of ADHD in children and adolescents are distinguished by a distinct difficulty in paying attention (especially for long tasks), and by an excess of activity (in the case of hyperactive children). We can distinguish between Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in children and teenagers, and Attention Deficit Disorder without Hyperactivity in children and adolescents, depending on whether they have symptoms of hyperactivity or not, respectively. In any case, it tends to negatively affect the academic and social life of the child or teen.

For these reasons, CogniFit's ADHD kids training tackles the cognitive abilities most frequently altered in ADHD in childhood, such as attention, inhibition, planning, and hand-eye coordination. We can access these ADHD activities for children from any device with an Internet connection, whether it's a computer, a tablet or a smartphone. The estimated length of the cognitive training sessions is 15-20 minutes. A minimum of one session a day, three days a week, is recommended. However, we can increase the frequency of the sessions according to our needs.

The goal of CogniFit's ADHD kids training is to strengthen altered cognitive abilities and reduce the attention deficit symptoms of children. In this way, the aim is to help them improve their academic performance and their psychological and social development. In addition, the activities for children with attention deficit and hyperactivity are an excellent addition to the ADHD treatment.

It should be noted that CogniFit ADHD kids training is personalized. The activities are adapted to the needs of the child or adolescent with ADHD. It also has a wide variety of training activities for attention problems and assessment tasks that work with up to the main cognitive abilities involved in attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder.

It is important to remember that CogniFit does not treat ADHD kids, but can be a great aid to treatment as it helps improve cognitive skills affected by this disorder.


You're above average.






Very low
Very high

Who is it for?

Who is it for?

Attention deficit symptoms in children and teenagers should be treated as soon as they are detected. Ideally, they should be treated in a global way, that is, from home, school and clinical settings. This is why, depending on our relationship with the child or adolescent with ADHD, CogniFit offers us different platforms that adapt to our needs:

Teenagers who want to reduce their ADHD symptoms

Stimulate my cognitive abilities related to ADHD

CogniFit's individual platform is available for teenagers 16 and up. From this platform, they will be able to train and strengthen their altered cognitive abilities in ADHD. This training is personalized, so they can perform entertaining neuropsychological activities adapted to their current level.
Family members or caregivers

Strengthening my child's cognitive abilities related to ADHD

If our child is 7 years old or older, you can use the CogniFit family platform to stimulate their altered cognitive abilities related to ADHD and to manage their training. CogniFit's training for children and adolescents with ADHD is automated, so we can use it even if we don't have any knowledge of neuroscience.
Health Professionals

To help the cognitive skills of my patients with ADHD.

This platform will allow health professionals to train the cognitive skills of their ADHD patients. It can be done through cognitive remote stimulation, meaning the patient can train anywhere. This training will allow us to stimulate the most altered cognitive abilities in this disorder in an attractive way for users.
Schools and teaching staff

To stimulate the cognitive abilities of students with ADHD. Educational innovation and neuroeducation

The academic and school field is one of the most common contexts where ADHD is detected in a child or adolescent. If we want to work our students' cognitive abilities at school, CogniFit's school platform is perfect for you. This platform will also allow you to manage the activities they do from home.
Researchers and scientists

Study the effects of cognitive training in children with ADHD

If we want to study how cognitive training affects children and adolescents with ADHD, we can use the CogniFit research platform. This helps obtain data for our study easily. In addition, this platform gives the option of using a control group. This lets you create more comprehensive experimental designs.

Trained cognitive skills

Trained cognitive skills

The way ADHD affects children tends to differ from the way it affects adults. Attention-deficit disorder in children and adolescents tends to show great difficulty in maintaining attention in the classroom. These frequent distractions end up negatively affecting their learning and academic performance. On the other hand, children and adolescents with hyperactivity problems have difficulty inhibiting their motor behaviors, so they tend to show more strenuous physical activity. This makes it very difficult for them to sit still. Restlessness and excessive activity end up hindering other classmates, disrupting their social relationships. This is why CogniFit ADHD training for children and adolescents trains these abilities:

Cognitive Domains Trained
Cognitive Skills


Ability to efficiently use (order, relate, etc.) the information acquired through the different senses. Through executive functions, we can access and use the information acquired in order to achieve complex goals. This set of superior processes makes it possible for us to relate, classify, order and plan our ideas or actions according to the needs that are imposed in the present or future. They allow us to be flexible and adapt to the environment. The executive functions make it possible to be effective in our day to day lives, solve problems and achieve our objectives even if there are modifications in the original plan.


412Your Score




Ability to select the actions needed to achieve a goal, decide on the appropriate order, assign each task the necessary cognitive resources, and establish the appropriate action plan. Children and adolescents with ADHD tend to be more disorganized, which can have negative repercussions both in school and in their social relationships.

452Your Score



Ability to efficiently perform precise and ordered movements. Coordination allows us to perform our movements in quickly and efficiently. The cerebellum is the brain structure responsible for making coordinated movements: from walking, holding a glass, or dancing ballet. It helps to maintain coherence between our movements and the feedback we get from our senses.

You can improve1.1%

192Your Score


Hand-eye Coordination

Hand-eye Coordination

The ability that allows us to perform activities in which we use our eyes and hands simultaneously. Often, adolescents and children with ADHD are perceived as unskilled by their peers and by themselves.

172Your Score



Ability to filter distractions and focus on relevant information. Attention accompanies every cognitive process and is in charge of assigning cognitive resources depending on the relevance of both internal and external stimuli. Good attention skills are necessary for other high-level processes, like memory or planning. Attention is an essential process that requires the use of different parts of the brain, from the brainstem or the parietal cortex to the prefrontal cortex. However, it seems that the right hemisphere has a predominant role in controlling attention. This cognitive area makes it possible to stay alert and pay attention to the stimuli when other irrelevant distractors are present, concentration for long periods of time, alternating attention between different activities, or dividing attention when two events are happening at the same time.


459Your Score


Focused Attention

Focused Attention

The ability of our brain to focus our attention on an objective stimulus, regardless of how long the focus lasts. It is common for children and adolescents with ADHD to have great difficulties when it comes to paying attention in class or when studying at home.

524Your Score




Ability to inhibit or control impulsive (or automatic) responses. Children and adolescents with ADHD often show impulsive behaviors and an excess of physical activity due to inhibitory difficulties.

422Your Score


What will I get from CogniFit ADHD training for children and adolescents?

What will I get from CogniFit ADHD training for children and adolescents?

CogniFit's ADHD training for children and adolescents has been created to help strengthen their altered cognitive abilities, thus helping them in their daily lives: at school, at home and in their personal relationships. Therefore, good cognitive training can help us achieve:

  • Improve your attention span: Strengthening the attention brain areas can help you to concentrate better and to be less distracted in the different settings of your daily life (at school, at home, etc.).
  • Promote control of hyperactivity symptoms: Stimulating their inhibitory control and reducing impulsiveness in children and adolescents with ADHD can help them establish habits and better relationships to their environment.
  • Increase academic and work performance: Impulse control and increased attention can help children and adolescents make better use of class time and study time. In addition, the ability to take charge of their internal and external activities will also be useful in their future work.
  • Improve social and family relationships: A good ability to pay attention and to inhibit inappropriate behaviors can help establish healthier social relationships both inside and outside the home.

How does it strengthen cognitive function?

How does it strengthen cognitive function?

It has been scientifically demonstrated that appropriate cognitive stimulation can strengthen the state of different cognitive abilities altered in ADHD. What happens in our brain when activities such as those offered by CogniFit are used to help us optimize our cognitive functions?

The goal of CogniFit ADHD training for children and adolescents is to stimulate brain plasticity to strengthen the brain areas altered in ADHD, as well as their related cognitive functions. Brain plasticity is a brain plasticity mechanism that allows the pattern of neuronal connections to be modified in order to adapt to daily demands. If we properly perform the activities for ADHD, we will produce a cognitive demand that will help our brain to adapt and, therefore, to strengthen itself to respond more efficiently to daily requirements.

CogniFit ADHD training activities for children and adolescents are designed to stimulate cognitive functions and brain areas most related to ADHD. These activities for children's ADHD are intended to train weakened cognitive skills and turn them into strengths.

1st WEEK

2nd WEEK

3rd WEEK

Graphic projection of neural networks after 3 weeks.



CogniFit developed the Attention Deficit Training for children and adolescents through a scientific methodology with a clear objective: that it be effective, accessible and motivating for its users. Thanks to this, CogniFit attention deficit training for children and adolescents has a number of advantages:

Easy to use

CogniFit's use of attention deficit training for children and adolescents is designed to be comfortable and intuitive for all users, even those unfamiliar with technology or neuroscience.

Highly attractive

The ADHD training for adolescents has an attractive and visual design that favors the motivation of the user. In addition, motivational activities also promote adherence to ADHD treatment in children and adolescents.

Interactive and visual format

Understanding the instructions is essential for the successful performance of any neuropsychological activity. For this reason, CogniFit provides instructions for its activities in a clear and interactive way, which makes it easier to understand.

Complete results report

CogniFit tracks our performance during cognitive activities helping ADHD treatment in children and adolescents. Thus, at the end of each training session immediate and accurate feedback is provided.

Progress and evolution

The data collected by CogniFit during the training session also allows us to know the evolution of the cognitive state and thus detect improvement trends, or decreases in our score.

Adapted to each user

CogniFit also uses the data it collects during the session to automatically modify and adapt the intervention plan proposed by the system itself to work on attention and hyperactivity in children and adolescents. In this way, specific activities will always be presented for the specific needs of each user.


CogniFit's online activities can be carried out from any platform with an internet connection, whether it is a computer, tablet or smartphone. This online format makes it possible to carry out training activities for attention deficit in children and adolescents both at home and at the office (cognitive remote stimulation).

What happens if you don't train your cognitive skills?

What happens if you don't train your cognitive skills?

Performing cognitive training for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children and adolescents may help reduce child attention deficit symptoms. However, when we do not adequately stimulate the cognitive skills involved in ADHD in children, the symptoms can extend to adulthood and have negative consequences in the adult's academic, work, and social environments. A child with ADHD is more likely to fail at school due to poor school performance and may end up transforming into work and social problems as they get older.

For this reason, it is important to provide the best possible treatment for childhood ADHD. Helping the child or adolescent with ADHD to reduce their academic and social difficulties resulting from the disorder can help them improve their quality of life. This leading program in cognitive stimulation offers a multi-dimensional and systematic training of each cognitive ability, which activates brain neural patterns fundamental in childhood ADHD.






How much time should I spend with CogniFit?


How much time should I spend with CogniFit?

The amount of time spent on ADHD training for children and adolescents is the same whether we use it at home or in a professional environment. Each training session lasts approximately 15-20 minutes. All training sessions consist of 3 activities: 2 cognitive stimulation activities and 1 evaluation, which will allow us to know how much we have improved during each session. CogniFit recommends a minimum of one training session, 3 days a week. However, you can increase the frequency if you consider that it may be beneficial for the ADHD treatment of the child or adolescent in your care.

Since CogniFit has automated most of the training programs, it's really convenient to use: just log into your account and get started. This reduces the time we will have to spend managing the account, which means that we can dedicate our time almost exclusively to carrying out the activities suggested by the ADHD training program for children and adolescents.

CogniFit is unique

CogniFit is unique

Multidisciplinary Exercises

Complete results report

Automatic task selection

Leading Instrument

Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment

Customized for each user

Scientifically validated

CogniFit is a leader in standardized, clinically validated, multi-dimensional activities for ADHD cognitive intervention in children. The ADHD training for children and adolescents is composed of various therapeutic exercises that are adapted to each user's needs.

This activity customization is made possible by the patented ITS™ (Individualized Training System) technology developed by CogniFit's international team of scientists, based on the latest discoveries and advances in the brain. This system helps us to personalize the intervention plan for the child or adolescent with ADHD. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) exercises are tailored to their needs as they progress through the training.

Each training plan is unique and specific for each user, this is given because each child or adolescent with ADHD has a unique profile and characteristics. Although people with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder share common traits, not everyone will be in need of the same thing, nor will they respond the same way to the same intervention. For this reason, CogniFit adapts to the specific needs of each child or adolescent with ADHD, so that each training session represents for them an adequate challenge for their current cognitive state.

To personalize training, CogniFit collects, processes and stores a large amount of information during training sessions. Once the training session is over, we will be able to access a series of accurate results and evolution data to track the cognitive status of either the child or adolescent with ADHD.

In any case, we must bear in mind that to train efficiently the cognitive abilities altered in ADHD, it is not enough to simply play any type of game. If we want to work on inattention and hyperactivity in adolescents and children, it is important that we use scientifically backed brain training programs, such as the one offered by CogniFit, as it will help us train the mind in a multidisciplinary, rigorous and systematic way.

Customer Service

Customer Service

If you have any questions about CogniFit ADHD training for children and teenagers, its data performance, management or interpretation, you can contact us immediately. Our team of professionals will answer your questions and help you with everything you need.

Contact Us Now



  • Westerberg, H., Hirvikoski, T., Forssberg, H., & Klingberg, T. (2004). Visuo-Spatial Working Memory Span: A Sensitive Measure of Cognitive Deficits in Children With ADHD. Child Neuropsychology, 10(3), 155-161.
  • Willcutt, E. G., Pennington, B. F., Boada, R., Ogline, J. S., Tunick, R. A., Chhabildas, N. A., & Olson, R. K. (2001). A comparison of the cognitive deficits in reading disability and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 110(1), 157-172.
  • Felt, B. T., & Biermann, B. (2014). Diagnosis and Management of ADHD in Children. American Family Physician, 90(7), 456-464. Den Heijer, A. E., Groen, Y., Tucha, L., Fuermaier, A. B. M., Koerts, J., Lange, K. W., … Tucha, O. (2016). Sweat it out? The effects of physical exercise on cognition and behavior in children and adults with ADHD: a systematic literature review. Journal of Neural Transmission, 124(S1), 3-26.
  • Mahone, E. M., & Denckla, M. B. (2017). Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A Historical Neuropsychological Perspective. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 23(9-10), 916-929.
  • Enriquez-Geppert, S., Smit, D., Pimenta, M. G., & Arns, M. (2019). Neurofeedback as a Treatment Intervention in ADHD: Current Evidence and Practice. Current Psychiatry Reports, 21(6), 1-7.
  • Fliers, E., Rommelse, N., Vermeulen, S. H. H. M., Altink, M., Buschgens, C. J. M., Faraone, S. V., … Buitelaar, J. K. (2007). Motor coordination problems in children and adolescents with ADHD rated by parents and teachers: effects of age and gender. Journal of Neural Transmission, 115(2), 211-220.

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