How good is your perception? Perception Test
Innovative online neuropsychological test. Study brain function and perform a complete cognitive screening of mental abilities. Evaluate the cognitive processes that influence perception and identify the weaknesses and strengths related to this cognitive area*.
Who is it for?
Online Cognitive Assessment Battery for Perception (CAB-PC)
You are going to create a patient management account. This account is designed to give your patients access to CogniFit evaluations and training.
You are going to create a student management account. This account is designed to give your students access to CogniFit evaluations and training.
You are going to create a research account. This account is specially designed to help researchers with their studies in the cognitive areas.
* Assessment licenses can be used for any type of assessment
Computerized battery for evaluating perception
Computerized battery for evaluating perception
- Evaluates the current state of cognitive abilities related to perception.
- For everyone aged 7 and older.
- The test lasts approximately 20-30 minutes.
- Reliability analysis of the evaluation - Only in English Download
The Cognitive Assessment Battery for Perception (CAB-PC) from CogniFit is a leading professional tool made up from a series of tests and a variety of tasks. It is designed for quickly and accurately detecting and evaluating the presence of symptoms, characteristics, and dysfunctionalities in the cognitive processes associated with perception.
This test allows us to carry out a complete cognitive analysis to find out the strengths and weaknesses related to perception.
Once finished, the user will be able to download the report automatically in PDF format, where they will be able to see all the results in detail. This test is completely online and lasts 20-30 minutes.
Perception is the cognitive process that helps us understand our environment through the stimuli we capture through the sensory organs. The CogniFit assessment is intended for those who want to know the state of cognitive capacities related to perception. Any private or professional user can easily handle this neuropsychological assessment battery. It is important to use this comprehensive cognitive test in addition to professional diagnosis and not as a substitute for the clinical interview.
Digitized protocol for evaluating perception (CAB-PC)
Digitized protocol for evaluating perception (CAB-PC)
The results obtained after performing this evaluation of reasoning ability provide information about the state of mental abilities related to perception.
This test is divided into two parts, an initial questionnaire that assesses the person's psychological, emotional, and social well-being based on their age, followed by a series of exercises and tasks that are presented in the form of simple computer games.
Well-being Questionnaire
A series of simple questions will be presented; the questions aim to understand the cognitive state as well as the mental, physical, and social well-being of the user.
Neuropsychological factors and cognitive profile
This test explores a variety of cognitive skills and uses multiple tests adapted according to the age of the user. This battery accurately evaluates the most important aspects involved in perception.
Complete results report
Once the user completes the assessment, they will receive a detailed report with the results, where they will be able to find the state of the cognitive abilities relating to perception. They will also find a list of symptoms, warning signs, a cognitive profile, and an analysis of the results, as well as recommendations and guidelines. The results can offer valuable information and can help to identify strategies for support or decide which specialist can provide additional testing and study the case in more detail.
Psychometric Results
Psychometric Results
The Cognitive Assessment Battery for Perception (CAB-PC) employs patented algorithms and artificial intelligence (A.I.) technology to analyze more than a thousand variables.
Each neuropsychological task that appears in the Cognitive Assessment Battery for Perception (CAB-PC) has been developed following the scientific method. This ensures appropriate psychometric characteristics for an effective evaluation of cognitive functions and general mental state. The cognitive profile of the neuropsychological report has high reliability, consistency, and stability. By designing transversal studies, we have been able to obtain psychometric statistics with values of almost 0.9 in the Cronbach Alpha coefficient. The Test-Retest values reach nearly 1.0, demonstrating a high degree of reliability.
See validation tableWho is it for?
Who is it for?
The Cognitive Assessment Battery for Perception (CAB-PC) applies to a broad spectrum of the population, from children as young as seven years old to adults and seniors—both those with current pathologies related to perception and those without.
Any user—professional or individual—can easily navigate the cognitive assessment battery. To use this program, it is not necessary to have any previous knowledge of neuroscience or computers. This assessment is intended for:
Individual Users
Learn about the state of their cognitive abilities related to perception:
Healthcare Professionals
Evaluate, in detail, the cognitive perception abilities of patients and offer a complete results report
Parents, Caretakers, and Other Individuals
Identify my loved ones’ cognitive abilities related to perception
Measure the cognitive capabilities of the participants in scientific research studies
Using this digital tool—based on the scientific method—to quickly and accurately evaluate perception, the presence of symptoms associated with sensory functions, and disorders* of the cognitive process offers many advantages:
The Cognitive Assessment Battery for Perception (CAB-PC) is a professional tool created for specialists in neuropsychology. This leading resource is already being used throughout the scientific community, schools, universities, foundations, and medical centers across the globe.
Any user, whether professional (doctor, psychologist, professor, etc.) or individual, can handle this assessment for neuropsychological evaluation whether or not they have any background in neuroscience or computers. The interactive format makes this tool efficient and easy to manage.
The tasks of the cognitive assessments from CogniFit are entirely automated, meaning the user can complete them from the comfort of their own home, without the need for professional supervision. For users taking the test at the recommendation of a medical professional, they can quickly complete the assessment before leaving the office, or from any location with internet access—saving time for both clinician and the patient.
All of the tasks are presented in an automated way in the form of fun, gamified minigames, which are easy to understand, especially for children.
The Cognitive Assessment Battery for Perception (CAB-PC) offers fast and accurate feedback, building a complete picture in the analysis of the results. It aids in learning about and understanding symptoms, weaknesses, strengths, and risk factors.
This robust software analyses more than a thousand variables related with perception and offers recommendations specifically catered to the needs of each user.
When is this cognitive assessment for perception recommended?
When is this cognitive assessment for perception recommended?
Its easy-to-use interface and its effective psychometric qualities make CogniFit’s Cognitive Assessment Battery for Perception (CAB-PC), a highly recommended instrument for determining the risk of suffering symptoms of a cognitive disorder* related to reasoning in children, adolescents, adults, or seniors.
If you are concerned that you or a person you know may suffer from some type of disorder* related to perception, or simply want to know more about the cognitive state of your loved ones, this is a highly recommended evaluation. Monitoring a person's cognitive profile and well-being allows the early detection of various disorders* , allowing treatment to begin as soon as possible.
CogniFit’s neuropsychological assessments are useful for:
Determine possible impairments associated with aging and perception
Learn about the state of perception ability and check if there is any loss of effectiveness due to aging.
Identify cognitive strengths and weaknesses related to perception
Understand the area responsible for perception and learn more about the strengths and weaknesses based in relation to the user’s age, with the aim of creating action plans or guidelines to improve this cognitive area.
Determine if the changes in perception are related to a specific neurodegenerative disorder*
These mental assessments help us to understand if the symptoms or signs that the person exhibits are normal for their age or if they can be risk indicators of a disorder* such as brain disorders* or loss of perception, for example.
Description of the diagnostic criteria questionnaire
Description of the diagnostic criteria questionnaire
This assessment carries out a comprehensive exploration of a person's well-being. To ensure that a person is in good health, we must check that there is no unexpected change in physical, mental, or psychological well-being. Therefore, this test begins with a short questionnaire focused on these three areas, where it focuses in the first instance on ruling out any imbalance in a fundamental part of our lives.
The questionnaire consists of a series of easy to answer questions that can be completed by the instructor or professional giving the assessment. The questionnaire gathers information covering the following areas: physical well-being (being in an appropriate physical condition), psychological well-being (having an acceptable state of cognitive, emotional, and memory processes), and social well-being (maintaining healthy, rewarding relationships with the people around us). The questions representing each area are adapted to the day to day experiences of children and adolescents of this age range.
The questionnaire consists of a series of easy to answer questions which can be completed by the professional giving the general cognitive assessment, or by the patient themselves. The questionnaire gathers information covering the following areas: physical well-being (being in an appropriate physical condition), psychological well-being (having an acceptable state of cognitive, emotional, and memory processes), and social well-being (maintaining healthy, rewarding relationships with the people around us). The questions representing each area are adapted to the day to day experiences of adults and seniors of this age range.
Neuropsychological aspects to be evaluated: Areas and cognitive capacities
Neuropsychological aspects to be evaluated: Areas and cognitive capacities
Perception is the cognitive process that helps us interact with our environment through the different senses—such as sight, hearing, or touch. In this process, our brain integrates the different perceived stimuli, giving it a sense of wholeness and interpreting this information. The associated brain areas unite the information perceived by the different sensory organs so that we can effectively interact with external stimuli, regardless of which is the stimulated sensory organ.
Given the importance of perception in our lives, the Cognitive Assessment Battery for Perception (CAB-PC) from CogniFit places great importance on measuring the following skills:
Ability to interpret the stimuli from one's surroundings.Excellent
8.3% above average
Auditory perception is the capacity to receive and interpret the information that reaches our ears through the waves of the audible frequency transmitted by air or another medium.
593Your Score
Estimation is the ability to predict, or generate a response when we do not have the solution available. As we go throughout our daily lives, the ability to estimate helps us to predict situations in advance and respond efficiently to them.
581Your Score
The ability to retrieve information memorized in the past allows us to recognize people, situations, places, and things. Infrequent errors can grow to become more common. However, it is important to have this skill in perfect condition as it is essential to maintain adequate interaction with our surroundings.
628Your Score
Spatial perception is the ability to be aware of our relationship with the environment around us. It is a very important skill to be able to understand our environment and adjust and move based on our relation to it.
530Your Score
Visual perception is the ability to interpret the information that we receive from the light of the visible spectrum as it reaches our eyes. This ability helps us to interpret the light that comes from outside and allows us to determine colors, shapes, and more.
694Your Score
Visual scanning is the ability to actively and efficiently search for relevant stimuli around us through sight. It is a fundamental capacity for our daily life. The information that comes to us through sight is essential, as it is one of the senses that most helps us perceive the environment.
716Your Score
The visual field is the portion of space in which our visual system can detect the presence of stimuli. A deterioration in the visual field could cause us problems when performing activities such as driving or focusing on two events at once.
592Your Score
Evaluation tasks
Our Digital Cognitive Assessments
CogniFit digital tests are designed to measure a specific areas of cognition and are grouped together to form customized batteries based on the unique requirements of the study design and population. Learn more about our different tests and how they can support the unique needs of your study by exploring the details and demos below.
The Speed Test REST-HECOOR exercise was inspired by the classic test of Fingertip tapping from the assessment battery NEPSY (Korkman et al., 1998). The test-taker is required to keep on clicking for 10 seconds and as rapidly as possible with the mouse, or finger if using a touch-screen device, in a defined area on the screen. Data is collected as the number of clicks during the allocated time, number of clicks inside the defined area and number of clicks outside it.
The Resolution Test REST-SPER was inspired by the classic paradigms Go/No Go Task (Gordon & Caramazza, 1982), Continuous Performance Test (Conners, 1989; Epstein et al., 2001), and the Psychomotor Vigilance Task (Dinges & Powell, 1985). The test-taker is required to rapidly press on circles which appear on the screen and to ignore hexagons should they also appear. Embedded in the task are 16 circles-only items and 8 circles-and-hexagons items. For each item data is collected on response time, response accuracy and cursor distance from target center.
Visual Working Memory Span Test
The Concentration Test VISMEM-PLAN took as a reference the Corsi block-tapping test (Corsi, 1972; Kessels et al., 2000; Wechsler, 1945). In the first part of the task, some circles, within a fixed array of circles, light up. The test-taker is required to memorize which circles, within the array, have lit up and then try to reproduce the sequence in the right order. In the second part of the task, a delay of 4 secs is added between the first screen and the playback screen, in order to increase the time the user must retain the information.
The Decoding Test VIPER-NAM was inspired by the Boston Naming Test (Kaplan et al., 1983) and by the vocabulary test from the WAIS-III (Wechsler, 1997). The test-taker is required to click on the first letter, among four of them, that spells the name of the object depicted on the screen. For example, for the picture of an apple, the test-taker should click on the letter “A” but not on the three incorrect responses (C, P, M) also present on the screen.
Multimodal Lexical Memory Test
The Identification Test COM-NAM is based on the Boston Naming Test (Kaplan et al., 1983) and by the vocabulary test from the WAIS-III (Wechsler, 1997). For each object shown, the test-taker must choose from three possibilities: 1) the item is presented for the first time in the task or 2) the last time it appeared the item was spoken or 3) the last time it appeared the item was presented as a picture.
The Inquiry Test REST-COM took as a reference the classic Boston Naming Test (Kaplan et al., 1983), the vocabulary test from WAIS-III (Wechsler, 1997), the Test of Variables of Attention (Greenberg et al., 1996), and the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (Schmidt, 1994). A series of objects are shown. In a new series of objects, the test-taker must then recognize only those objects that were previously displayed. This new series could be presented as images or as spoken words.
The Estimation Test EST-I was inspired by the Biber Cognitive Estimation Test (Goldstein et al., 1996). In the first part, the test-taker is required to determine which of two balls moves faster. In the second part, another ball is added. In the third part, a fourth ball is added and it should be indicated which ball moves twice as fast as a designated ball (the red one). In the fourth part, while watching four balls moving in four separate itineraries, the test- -taker must determine as quickly as possible which ball will arrive at a given point first.
The Estimation Test EST- III is based on the Biber Cognitive Estimation Test (Goldstein et al., 1996). The first part consists of indicating which of the objects on the screen is farther away from the user. The second part consists of indicating which of the objects is farther away from a pink ball, also located on the screen. The third part consists of indicating which two objects are at the same distance from the pink ball. The fourth part consists of indicating which object is not at the same distance from the pink ball. Finally, the fifth part is to indicate which of the images has the objects spatially arranged differently from the model.
This test was inspired by the Useful Field of Vision test (UFOV) and on other neuropsychological batteries that measure field of view. This test assesses the amount of visual information that one receives when looking at a single point. This makes it possible to precisely measure field of view.