How good is your concentration? Concentration Test
Innovative online neuropsychological test. Examines brain function and provides a full cognitive screening. It evaluates the cognitive processes which influence attention and identifies the level of risk associated with suffering an attention disorder*.
Who is it for?
Online Cognitive Assessment Battery for Concentration (CAB-AT)
You are going to create a patient management account. This account is designed to give your patients access to CogniFit evaluations and training.
You are going to create a student management account. This account is designed to give your students access to CogniFit evaluations and training.
You are going to create a research account. This account is specially designed to help researchers with their studies in the cognitive areas.
* Assessment licenses can be used for any type of assessment
Computerized battery for evaluating concentration
Computerized battery for evaluating concentration
- Evaluates the current state of attention-related cognitive abilities.
- For children over 7 years old, adolescents, adults, and seniors.
- The test lasts approximately 15-20 minutes.
- Reliability analysis of the evaluation - Only in English Download
The Concentration Cognitive Assessment (CAB-AT) from CogniFit is a leading professional tool made up from a series of tests and a variety of tasks, designed to detect and quickly and accurately evaluate the presence of symptoms, traits, and dysfunctions in the cognitive processes associated with attention.
This innovative online test of attention is a scientific resource which provides a complete, screening in as little as 15-20 minutes, allowing us to understand the cognitive strengths and weaknesses, related to attention. This test is intended for children over seven years old, adolescents, and adults. The cognitive assessment battery is easy to navigate for any user—both professionals and individuals.
Changes in concentration or attention can be associated with various cognitive disorders*. We recommend taking this cognitive assessment when you want to evaluate the state of your attention or if you are having symptoms related to this cognitive area. It is important to use this cognitive assessment as a complement to professional diagnosis and not as a substitute for a clinical evaluation.
Digitized protocol for evaluating concentration (CAB-AT)
Digitized protocol for evaluating concentration (CAB-AT)
This complete online tool for cognitive assessment of concentration consists of a series of tasks. These tasks are designed to quickly and accurately detect and evaluate various brain functions related to attention.
People exhibiting symptoms or who are at risk of suffering a disorder* associated with attention may respond to an initial series of questions—these questions evaluate mental, physical, and social well-being based on the age of the user. After the initial questionnaire, the test taker can begin a series of exercises and tasks - all presented in the form of simple computer games.
Well-being Questionnaire
A series of simple questions will be presented; the questions aim to understand the cognitive state and general well-being based on the specific age of the user.
Neuropsychological factors and cognitive profile
Following the questionnaire, the user continues with a series of tasks designed to evaluate the principle neuropsychological factors identified in the scientific literature for disorders* associated with concentration and attention, focusing especially on divided attention and focused attention, among others. Scales, tasks, and assessments are all adjusted based on the age of the participant.
Complete results report
Once the user completes the memory assessment, they will receive a detailed report with all of the results, where they will be able to find a personalized risk index for the likelihood of suffering an attention disorder (low-, medium-, or high-risk)*. They will also find a list of symptoms, warning signs, a cognitive profile, and an analysis of the results, as well as recommendations and guidelines. The results can offer valuable information and can help to identify strategies for support or decide which specialist can provide additional testing and study the case in more detail.
Psychometric Results
Psychometric Results
The Concentration Cognitive Assessment (CAB-AT) employs patented algorithms and artificial intelligence (AI) technology to analyze more than a thousand variables and notify the user of any risk of issues related to attention through a series of psychometric results.
Each of these neuropsychological tasks included in the Concentration Cognitive Assessment (CAB-AT) has been developed through the scientific method. This allows us to guarantee certain psychometric characteristics appropriate for an effective evaluation of cognitive functions and general cognitive state.
The cognitive profile found in the neuropsychological report is based on highly consistent and stable outcomes. By designing transversal studies, we have been able to obtain psychometric statistics with values of almost 0.9 in the Cronbach Alpha coefficient. The Test-Retest values reach nearly 1.0, demonstrating a high degree of reliability.
See validation tableWho is it for?
Who is it for?
This Concentration Cognitive Assessment (CAB-AT) applies to a broad spectrum of the population, from children as young as seven years old to adults and seniors—both those with current concentration-related pathologies and those without.
Any user—professional or individual—can easily navigate the cognitive assessment battery. To use this program, it is not necessary to have any previous knowledge of neuroscience or computers. This assessment is intended for:
Individual Users
Learn about the state of their attention, such as strengths and weaknesses
Healthcare Professionals
Accurately evaluate the attention of patients and offer a complete results report
Schools and Educatrors
Detect students who may be at risk of attention disorders*. Support students to prevent issues at school and with their peers
Parents, Caretakers, and Other Individuals
Identify if my loved ones are at risk of developing attention disorders*
Measure the cognitive capabilities of the participants in scientific research studies
Using this digital tool—based on the scientific method—to quickly and accurately evaluate attention, the presence of symptoms associated with attention disorders*, and disorders* of the cognitive process offers many advantages:
The Concentration Cognitive Assessment (CAB-AT) is a professional tool created for specialists in neuropsychology. This leading resource is already being used throughout the scientific community, schools, universities, foundations, and medical centers across the globe.
Any user, whether professional (doctor, psychologist, professor, etc.) or individual, can handle this assessment for neuropsychological evaluation whether or not they have any background in neuroscience or computers. The interactive format makes this tool efficient and easy to manage.
The tasks of the cognitive assessments from CogniFit are entirely automated, meaning the user can complete them from the comfort of their own home, without the need for professional supervision. For users taking the test at the recommendation of a medical professional, they can quickly complete the assessment before leaving the office, or from any location with internet access—saving time for both clinician and the patient.
All of the tasks are presented in an automated way in the form of fun, gamified minigames, which are easy to understand, especially for children.
The Concentration Cognitive Assessment (CAB-AT) offers fast and accurate feedback, building a complete picture in the analysis of the results. It aids in learning about and understanding symptoms, weaknesses, strengths, and risk factors.
This robust software analyses more than a thousand variables and offers recommendations specifically catered to the needs of each user.
When is this cognitive memory assessment recommended?
When is this cognitive memory assessment recommended?
Thanks to its excellent psychometric qualities and easy-to-use design, the Concentration Cognitive Assessment (CAB-AT) from CogniFit is a handy tool for learning about the state of user's attention, as well as detecting the risks factors and symptoms of attention disorders* in children, adolescents, adults, and seniors.
If you are concerned that someone you know might be suffering from a disorder* related to attention, or if you simply wish to learn more about their cognitive state, this is a highly recommended assessment. Cognitive profile and wellness tracking allow us to detect many disorders* sooner, allowing us to begin treatment earlier.
CogniFit's neuropsychological assessments are useful for:
Difficulties when concentrating and attending to a stimulus
Inattention problems can often be due to stress or stimulus overload. When this is the case, the symptoms are usually transient and mild in nature. People who have trouble paying attention are generally easily distracted, do not pay attention to detail, and are prone to making careless mistakes when they have to work on a tedious or difficult project, such as schoolwork, work, or other activities.
Inability to listen or follow a conversation
This evaluation can be beneficial in the case of children or adults with attention problems. These people may have difficulties in processing or concentrating on the stimuli they receive. It often feels like they are not listening when you talk to them. They have trouble focusing on what someone else is saying and have a hard time following the rules given or directions for completing a task or project.
Forgetfulness or propensity to lose things
This neuropsychological battery can be especially beneficial for those who are forgetful or who often misplace things necessary for their activities or tasks (toys, school or work utensils, tools, etc.), and for people who are easily distracted and forgetful.
Low motivation when performing a task
For people who display a lack of motivation, it is crucial to find the reason. People who suffer from an attention deficit often have problems when organizing and completing tasks and activities. On many occasions, it has nothing to do with the person being lazy or not understanding the instructions. It is merely that their brain has a harder time repressing external stimuli and attending to a single action. For this reason, it is essential to understand the origin of this seeming disinterest thoroughly.
Determine if changes in concentration are within the normal range or may be due to a cognitive disorder*
These tests and mental assessments can help us to understand if the symptoms or complaints that the person exhibits are typical for their age.
Description of the diagnostic criteria questionnaire
Description of the diagnostic criteria questionnaire
Lack of concentration is becoming increasingly common today. Many times, it may be due to something temporary, but other times, it is due to some more severe disorder*. Because of this, any notable change in this cognitive area should be analyzed through a series of assessments. These assessments can offer clues about the presence of a disorder* related to attention. This is why the first step of the Concentration Cognitive Assessment (CAB-AT) from CogniFit consists of a questionnaire about the user's physical, mental and social well-being, based on the age of the user.
The questions found in the questionnaire are similar to those found in a typical interview; however, they have been simplified, so they are easily understandable for just about anyone taking the assessment.
The questionnaire consists of a series of easy to answer questions that can be completed by the instructor or professional giving the assessment. The questionnaire gathers information covering the following areas: physical well-being (being in an appropriate physical condition), psychological well-being (having an acceptable state of cognitive, emotional, and memory processes), and social well-being (maintaining healthy, rewarding relationships with the people around us). The questions representing each area are adapted to the day to day experiences of children and adolescents of this age range.
The questionnaire consists of a series of easy to answer questions that can be completed by the instructor or professional giving the assessment. The questionnaire gathers information covering the following areas: physical well-being (being in an appropriate physical condition), psychological well-being (having an acceptable state of cognitive, emotional, and memory processes), and social well-being (maintaining healthy, rewarding relationships with the people around us). The questions representing each area are adapted to the day to day experiences of children and adolescents of this age range.
The questionnaire consists of a series of easy to answer questions which can be completed by the professional giving the general cognitive assessment, or by the patient themselves. The questionnaire gathers information covering physical, psychological, and social well-being, for example, difficulty understanding social situations due to forgetfulness, missing meetings, or other memory-related issues. The questions representing each area are adapted the day to day routines and activities of adults and seniors.
Neuropsychological aspects to be evaluated: Areas and cognitive capacities
Neuropsychological aspects to be evaluated: Areas and cognitive capacities
Problems with attention can cause serious problems in our daily activities. An analysis of the state of the different cognitive abilities related to attention helps us to understand the importance of the various symptoms an individual is exhibiting.
Given the importance of attention in our daily lives, the Concentration Cognitive Assessment (CAB-AT) from CogniFit pays close attention to the measurement of the following abilities related to attention:
Ability to filter distractions and focus on relevant information.Excellent
8.2% above average
Divided attention is the ability to pay attention to more than one stimulus or activity at the same time. Divided attention can be altered in many disorders. For people who have difficulty with divided attention, any interference could cause them to perform poorly in activities that are being carried out simultaneously, and in this way, make it impossible to carry out two actions at the same time.
454Your Score
Focused attention is the ability to focus our attention on a particular stimulus, regardless of the duration. Often, people with poor concentration find it difficult to focus their attention on relevant and appropriate stimuli or events for the given situation. This can, for example, lead to the loss of important information during a class.
456Your Score
Inhibition is the ability to inhibit or control impulsive (or automatic) responses, and to generate responses guided by attention and reasoning. A deficit in inhibitory control can lead to impulsive and repetitive behaviors. This can lead the person to carry out activities that are inappropriate for the context in which they find themselves.
747Your Score
Cognitive monitoring can be defined as the ability to monitor our behavior and ensure that it complies with the prepared action plan. In our daily lives, we make use of monitoring in a number of work and personal activities. A problem in cognitive monitoring can hinder many of our daily activities.
747Your Score
Evaluation tasks
Our Digital Cognitive Assessments
CogniFit digital tests are designed to measure a specific areas of cognition and are grouped together to form customized batteries based on the unique requirements of the study design and population. Learn more about our different tests and how they can support the unique needs of your study by exploring the details and demos below.
The Speed Test REST-HECOOR exercise was inspired by the classic test of Fingertip tapping from the assessment battery NEPSY (Korkman et al., 1998). The test-taker is required to keep on clicking for 10 seconds and as rapidly as possible with the mouse, or finger if using a touch-screen device, in a defined area on the screen. Data is collected as the number of clicks during the allocated time, number of clicks inside the defined area and number of clicks outside it.
The Resolution Test REST-SPER was inspired by the classic paradigms Go/No Go Task (Gordon & Caramazza, 1982), Continuous Performance Test (Conners, 1989; Epstein et al., 2001), and the Psychomotor Vigilance Task (Dinges & Powell, 1985). The test-taker is required to rapidly press on circles which appear on the screen and to ignore hexagons should they also appear. Embedded in the task are 16 circles-only items and 8 circles-and-hexagons items. For each item data is collected on response time, response accuracy and cursor distance from target center.
The Processing Test REST-INH was inspired by the classic Stroop test (Stroop, 1935). The test-taker is required to press on the larger of two circles, regardless of the number inscribed in each circle, while ignoring the text that could appear on the top-middle part of the screen. They are then required to press on the higher number regardless of the size of the circle in which the number is inscribed.
The Equivalencies Test INH-REST was based on the classic Stroop test (Stroop, 1935). The test-taker is asked to press on the spacebar (go action) only if the color names on the screen are printed in the matching color and to refrain from pressing (no-go) if the color of the letters does not match the printed color name.
The Simultaneity Test DIAT-SHIF stems from the classic Stroop test (Stroop, 1935), the Vienna Test System (Whiteside, 2002), and the Test of Variables of Attention (Greenberg et al., 1996). The test-taker is required to accurately follow a ball moving and turning in all directions on the screen while, at the same time, performing a variant of the Stroop test.