Brain Game: Traffic Manager
Online brain training game
Play the online brain game "Traffic manager" and boost your cognitive skills
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Traffic manager is an online brain game that activates a number of different cognitive abilities. In order to advance through the game, the user will have to allow some vehicles and prevent others from crossing through the intersection using the lights on the stoplight. As the user moves through the levels, the game will become more difficult and more cognitive resources will be used.
This game will become more difficult as the user progresses through the levels. Traffic Manager is a scientific resource designed to continuously measure cognitive performance and automatically regulate the difficulty of the task, optimizing cognitive training. The brain game Traffic Manager is perfect for children, adults, and seniors who want to stimulate essential cognitive abilities.
How can the brain game "Traffic Manager" improve your cognitive abilities?
Brain training games like Traffic Manager stimulate determined neural patterns. The repetition of this pattern through training may help create new synapses and neural circuits capable of reorganizing and recovering weakened or damaged cognitive functions.
This game is suitable for anyone looking to improve cognitive performance.
1st WEEK
2nd WEEK
3rd WEEK

Neural Connections CogniFit
Which cognitive skills can be trained with "Traffic Manager"?
The cognitive skills activated by this brain game are:
- Divided Attention: Advancing through this brain game will require the user to process different sources of information and coordinate multiple stoplights at the same time. This activity activates divided attention. Improving this cognitive ability is important for daily life as it can make a number of different daily activities more efficient, like paying attention in class while writing notes.
- Estimation:This brain game was designed to test the user's estimation ability. In order to progress through the game, the user will have to calculate the speed of the cars in both directions to keep the two from crashing. Doing this activates and strengthens our estimation ability. Improving this important cognitive skill can help make you more efficient in your daily life because it will help you predict or create a response when there is none available. We use this skill when stopping a car or throwing a dart at the target.
- Planning: When you have to pay attention to different stoplights at the time, you can establish certain rules in order to avoid accidents. In other words, you can plan. Playing this brain game can help improve planning, which can make you better and more efficient at making and following through with the established goals and rules in the different areas of your life (family, school, work, etc.).
- Updating: The goal of this brain game is to avoid collisions and traffic jams, which means that the user has to be able to change the stoplights constantly. When playing this game, the user is using their updating cognitive ability. Training and improving this cognitive skill can help you quickly and correctly carry out a number of daily activities, like making sure that you are going the right way to arrive at your destination.
Other relevant cognitive skills are:
- Response Time: The user will have to change the color of the stoplight before an accidental green light causes an accident. To do this, the user will have to act quickly and be able to pay attention to both traffic directions. Playing this game will activate the neural connections used in response or reaction time, and improving this cognitive skills makes it possible to be more efficient when responding to stimuli. For example, you will need efficient reaction or response time when dealing with an accident on the highway.
- Spatial Perception: This brain game requires the user to calculate the distance between two cars to see if they will crash or not. The user will also have to keep an eye on two different parts of the screen where the stoplights are places. Doing this will challenge and train spatial perception. Improving this cognitive ability makes it possible to become more efficient when interpreting location and distance, which can help when fitting into a certain environment and avoiding collisions with others.
- Visual Perception: Seeing where the cars are is essential to being able to see if they will crash. This depends directly on visual perception, which is also in charge of telling you the size, shape, and aspect of the things around you, like traffic signs or letters. Activating this cognitive ability can help you become more precise when it comes to perceiving visual information.
- Hand-Eye Coordination: Traffic Manager requires precision when correctly finding and clicking on the stoplights. Playing this game uses hand-eye coordination, which is the cognitive skill that you use to move your hands depending on what the eye sees. Improving this cognitive ability can help make your movements more preceise when it comes to typing or playing sports.
- Focused Attention: In order to progress through the levels of this brain game, the user must identify the type of vehicle that is reaching the intersection in order to decide whether or not to let it pass or stop it at the stoplight. Playing this game will activate and stimulate focused attention. Improving this cognitive ability can help you concentrate your focus, making it easier to identify cars when crossing the street.
- Inhibition: This game was designed to put your inhibition to the test. The user may sometimes feel tempted to turn the stoplight green, allowing the car to pass, but has to inhibit the action because the cars in the other direction are moving too quickly. Stimulating and improving this cognitive ability can help us become more efficient in daily activities that require you to stop an action that was already started, like stopping a car in a crosswalk.
- Visual Scanning: This brain game was designed so that the user has to find the stoplight on the screen and locate the cars that are approaching each intersection. Playing this game will stimulate the user's visual scanning ability. Improving this cognitive ability is important because it allows you to correctly and efficiently detect the stimuli around you, like seeing stop signs, crosswalks, or a certain line of text in your notes.
- Processing Speed:In order to know if they have to change the stoplight or not, the user will have to calculate if an accident will happen based on the speed and distance of the different vehicles on the screen. All of this has to happen as quickly as possible to make sure that the user has time to react to the situation. Practicing this skill will train processing speed, which can help when it comes to responding to stimuli quickly and appropriately.
- Shifting:If you see that you're having more accidents than you thought, it's time to change strategies. In order to do this, you have to be mentally flexible. Playing this brain game can help you improve your cognitive shifting, which can help you when you're driving and you realize that you have to change your route because they are doing roadwork.
What happens if you don't train your cognitive abilities?
Our brains are designed to reserve resources, so when there are connections that aren't being used, the brain automatically eliminates it. If a certain cognitive skill isn't regularly trained, the brain won't give resources to that neural activation pattern, which can cause it to become weaker and weaker. This causes us to be less able when using a certain cognitive function, making us less effective in our day to day lives.